Conducting a board of directors meeting isn’t easy and can be complicated, especially when there are multiple opinions to take into consideration. The board has to reach a the same conclusion on a wide range of issues and this can be challenging when certain members are more vocal whereas others are less active. It can be a challenge to keep the discussions on track, especially when they go over the time allotted to them.
A well-written agenda and well-organized distribution system for documents for board members is crucial to a successful meeting of the board. To ensure that every board member has the necessary details they require to participate most effective is for the board’s management to create an “board package” ahead of time and share it with everyone 3-4 days prior to the meeting. Directors are given the opportunity to discuss key information with their peers, and ask questions prior to when the board’s meeting, allowing the majority of the time to be focused on strategic discussions.
A clear procedure for making decisions is essential for a successful meeting of the board. It is essential to clearly state whether the board will make decisions through consensus or vote and also to establish a timeframe for the time when decisions will be taken. By taking the time to define this can help ensure that all viewpoints are considered and allows for open dialogue during meetings.
It is also important that the chair actively facilitates discussions and encourages all board members to take part. If one or a handful of members dominate the discussion, it can hinder the participation of other board members and can lead to ineffective decisions. To prevent this from happening, at the beginning of a meeting the chair may establish rules that encourage short remarks and equal time for every board member.